User Guide

Execution Context

The execution context of a project determines which user account will be used to run that project at runtime. As default, i.e. nothing is changed, the execution context will run as the service identity.

You can change the execution context of an Ouvvi project by drilling into the project and clicking on the link next to 'Execution Context'. The default is set to [SERVICE ACCOUNT].

Execution Context

This opens the Execution context window, where you can override the default user by entering the credentials of the user account that will be used to run the project steps, and clicking Save.

Edit Execution Context

You will now see that the execution context has changed.

Execution Context Changed

Add User Account to Ouvvi

To ensure this works, you will need to have added the user as a user within Ouvvi with Agent and Admin permissions.

Add User Account

More information on how to add a user can be found here.

Remap DSCache

You will also need to remap the DSCache folder to a common area and ensure that everyone with access has read and write permissions.

There are two ways to remap the DSCache from the default to a chosen location, either through Windows or through the Deployment Manager.

DSCACHE is the location of where Data Sync stores temp files for use during the data load and compare. These are deleted automatically. If you do not re-map the DSCACHE files you will get errors such as ```Access Denied to Path```.
NB. If you change the DSCACHE you will need to re-start the Ouvvi Service.

Deployment Manager

Open the deployment manager and go to File > Properties, then set the destination path for the cache into the DataSyncCachePath property field and click OK.



Go to Windows Settings >System> System Properties>Environment Variables.

System Properties

Click on New to create a new environment variable.

Environment Variables

And then create a new variable called DATASYNCCACHEPATH and enter in the new path location.

New Environment Variable