User Guide

System Settings

In the links to the right you will find details to the other Simego Online settings such as user settings and profiles, and Azure AD configuration.

Below we will cover a few of the various settings you can configure within your Simego Online System Settings.

Administration & Support

Administration & Support

In this section you can configure the name of your Simego Online Instance, change the colour theme, change the view, and set the system administrator contact details.

Regional Settings

Regional Settings

Set the locale to your preferred region to specify the way Simego Online displays numbers, dates and time. You can also set the default time zone of your Simego Online instance.



Define a start of day and end of day time for your operations. These are set to 8am and 6pm by default.



Set the message queue timeout and retry count.

Azure AD

You can configure your Simego Online instance to use your Microsoft credentials. For more information on how to configure this please see the documentation here