User Guide

Connection Library

The connection library is used to hold connection settings for Data Connectors so that at runtime the connection details can be loaded from a single source.

Additionally using the connection library for frequently used connections make it quick and easy to connect right from the server explorer.

Default Library

The Default library is stored on your local machine in the C:\ProgramData\Simego\DataSyncStudio30\Registry file path. Each connection is a *.dsconn file, which is essentially an Xml document of parameters to apply to a Data Source on load of the project.

This is the content of a connection file for a SQL Server connection, the ConnectionString property from this file overrides any configured value in the project file at runtime.

<Connection Key="Northwind" Description="" DataType="Simego.DataSync.Providers.SQL.SqlDataSourceReader, Simego.DataSync.Providers">
  <Parameter Name="ConnectionString" Value="Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=sql01;Initial Catalog=Northwind;Integrated Security=SSPI;Trusted_Connection=True;Network Library=DBMSSOCN;" />

You can delete or edit these files to change the settings.

Update Connection

To update an existing connection, for example to change the password. This is best done by creating a new connection in Data Sync and saving the connection with the same name.


If you have a typical DEV/UAT/PROD setup, using the connection library will automatically re-map your connection between environments.

This is done by naming your connections the same between environments but configuring different settings between environments.


The connection library is redirected to the Ouvvi server when you connect to a project hosted in Ouvvi. You can see this in the Data Sync IDE where the status bar displays a web link to the library.

This allows you to use a Server Hosted Connection Library separate from your local library. In Ouvvi Settings->System Settings you can change the path to the library if you want to keep them the same.