
Set Permissions to Enable Service Control in Ouvvi

To allow Ouvvi to start and stop the service from the Ouvvi Web UI you need to adjust the Security Descriptor (ACL) on the Service to allow your user account to control the service.

To enable the Service Control mini-menu you will need to get the name of your Ouvvi Processing Windows Service from the Windows Service Control Manager (services.msc) and update the Ouvvi System Setting Service Name to match the name of your service.

Get the Name of the Service from the Service Properties Dialog.

Service Properties

Copy this name exactly into the Ouvvi Service Name under Settings > System Settings > Services.

Ouvvi System Settings

Next use the SC.exe program to retrieve and set the ACL on this service for example (your ACL will be different so do not copy the values in this example).

sc sdshow "Ouvvi Processing Service (Test)"

Returns the current ACL for the Service


You then need to add a section that allows your windows account to control the service, for example the added section below grants Builtin-Users (BU) rights to control the service.



http://deploywindows.info/2013/10/17/how-to-build-a-sddl-string-and-set-service-permissions/ and https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa379602(v=vs.85).