
Oracle ODBC Connection

This connection requires the Oracle Client Software to be installed which can be downloaded from Oracle directly.

To connect to Oracle using the ODBC Database connection you will need to know the Oracle driver name, User ID and Password in order to build your connection string.

Please note that Data Synchronisation Studio 64-bit requires 64-bit drivers.

Get the Oracle Driver Name

For the connection you will need to specify the driver name, this can vary between machines depending on the version you have downloaded.

To find out the name locate and open the ODBC Data Source Administrator.

Then go to Drivers and find the Oracle driver. Copy this name to be entered into the connection window.

Oracle driver name

Connection String

Your connection string will looks similar to: driver={Oracle in OraDB18Home1};dbq=ORACLE01/XEPDB1;uid=HR;pwd=hr

You can find other sample connection string examples here.

Connect to Oracle via ODBC