
Connecting to SharePoint On-Premise

For versions released before 4.0.2076 you can use the following documentation to add a connection to SharePoint directly to the Ouvvi Connection Library.

The connection parameters required to connect to SharePoint On-Premise can be found below:


Parameter Value
Connection Name Name for the connection.
Description Description of the connection.
SharePoint Site URL The base path to your SharePoint Online site. E.g., .
Authentication Type The type of Authentication. Note: Windows is the only supported type via this interface currently.
Username (optional) Alternate username different to the Ouvvi Windows Service Credentials.
Password (optional) Alternate password different to the Ouvvi Windows Service Credentials.
Domain (optional) The domain required for authentication

Note: Ouvvi Windows Service Credentials are used by default unless alternate credentials are supplied.

The username must be in the format DOMAIN\Username.