
Adding a Salesforce Connection to the Connection Library in Ouvvi

To add a Salesforce connection to the Ouvvi connection library you can either upload a connection file or open Data Sync from Ouvvi and create the connection in Data Sync.

Connect from Data Sync

To connect using Data Sync you will first need to open Data Sync from Ouvvi. To do this create a new project and add a Data Sync Step. Once this has been saved open the Data Sync step and click onto the Open Project button in the toolbar.

Open Project

This will then open Data Sync with a connection to Ouvvi, so any connections you create and save to the connection library are stored in the Ouvvi Connection Library rather than locally on your machine.

Now create your Salesforce connection and choose Connect and Create Library Connection to save it to the Connection Library.

Please see our documentation on the Salesforce page to see how to gather your security token and consumer key.

Upload a Connection File

Alternatively if you have already created a connection to Salesforce locally you can upload the connection file into the Ouvvi Connection Library.

To do this browse to your Ouvvi site and go to Settings > Connection Library. Then click onto the Upload Connection button and then browse for your connection file.

Upload Connection

By default your local machine connection library can be found at C:\ProgramData\Simego\DataSyncStudio30\Registry